I-Min Hsieh, Ph.D. Ph.D. Student - 2017


PhD, Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, 2022

M.S., Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2014
B.S., Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2011

Research Focus: Mitigation and mechanism of fouling and scaling in membrane distillation (MD) for produced water treatment.


  1. James D. and Mary Hazlewood Memorial Graduate Fellowship
  2. Travel Award, Texas Tech University, for AICHE in 2018 and 2019 and for NAMS in 2022.
  3. Graduate Student Research Support Award, Texas Tech University, 2021-2022.
  4. Colin Tyrie Scholarship from Produced Water Society in 2021
  5. NAMS Elias Klein Travel Supplement in 2021.

Email: i-min.hsieh@ttu.edu

Office: MERC 005